Booster: Imitation Game
Set the points of a tile of choice to 15. If all tiles have the same value, set the value to 30 instead. Can't be forged.
Booster: Fitting In
Double the score for all vowels in your hand. If all bonus squares are the same, triple your vowels instead. Can't be forged.
Booster: Pick-a-Prize
Choose between 3 random epic boosters, add one to your hand. If all your tiles have the same value, add all 3 instead. Can't be forged.
Booster: Bingo!
Add 200 points to your 7+ letter bonus (length bonus) this turn. If all tiles have the same value, add an extra 200 points. Can't be forged.
Booster: 1001 Tales
Add a tile of your choice to your hand. Set the tile's points to the amount of boosters your opponent has played this game. Can't be forged.
Booster: Iced Latte
Increase your hand to 9 tiles. Freeze time for 30 seconds. Can't be forged.