How do I get boosters?
I lost my account. How can I get it back?
Account / Account Data
I want to change my username
I am having technical issues.
Technical issues
How can I write a chat message?
My game keeps crashing!
How do I remove my data?
How do I set a profile picture?
Can I play in several languages?
How can I delete the game requests I sent?
What are token gems?
Booster: Imitation Game
Booster: Fitting In
Booster: Pick-a-Prize
I did not receive the item I bought
How can I look up my Google Play receipt?
How can I look up my receipt on an iPhone or an iPad?
What is Solo Mode and where can it be accessed?
What do I get for completing Solo Mode?
I finished the last Solo Mode. Where is my reward?
I can't sync between devices.
My game won't load.
What are the rules in a tournament?
What are tournaments?
What does being a VIP mean?
How do I know if I am a VIP member?
How do I cancel my VIP subscription on Android?
MAG Interactive Language Policy
How does search work in Help Center?