QuestionStreak is a game mode where you unlock and play up to nine different categories.
You need to get as good a streak as possible by picking as many correct answers in a row. Getting better streaks enables you to unlock more categories. The categories change every week.
To play a round of QuestionStreak you either need to watch an ad, pay a number of Qoins or pay in energy (thunderbolts at the top of your screen).
In this mode you play in dynamic leagues and your shield symbolizes the league you are currently playing in.
Your streak result is entered into a top list, which has a promotion and demotion zone. Stay within the promotion zone and you will not only receive the rewards that are displayed next to your player name in the top list when the week is over, but also climb up into the next league! Here you'll meet players of your rank and your trivia knowledge will be rewarded with even better prizes than before.
What is Question Streak?
Last Updated: 404d