I did not receive the item I purchased
Try the following and see if you can see your item afterwards:- Make sure that you have a stable connection.- Try disconnecting and reconnec...
How do I get a refund?
If you'd like a refund on a purchase you made in-game, we advise contacting Google or Apple, depending on your platform.Here's a link for An...
I was charged twice, what should I do?
This shouldn't normally happen, but we will be more than happy to double-check the situation for you.Please reach out to us by clicking on t...
Where can I buy gems?
Gems can be bought directly at the in-game shop by tapping the gems icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
How do I remove the ads?
Ads help in keeping the game up for free, but if you'd like to remove them, you can purchase Ad Free for a month from the in-game shop.
What can I buy with Coins?
You can go to the Wordzee shop and buy card packs or individual card stacks with the coins you've collected!
How can I look up my Google Play receipt?
With a successful purchase on the Google Store, you’ll get a confirmation email, which can serve as a receipt.If needed, you can also find i...
I am unable to make a purchase (iOS)
If you encounter any challenges while trying to access the in-game store or while browsing the available items, please don't hesitate to con...
I am unable to make a purchase (Android)
If you encounter any challenges while trying to access the in-game store or while browsing the available items, please don't hesitate to con...
How can I look up my App Store receipt?
If you didn't keep the receipt in the mail, you can still retrieve your purchase history through iTunes.Here's the link to the Apple Support...
What are the available payment methods?
Monetary transactions are not handled directly by MAG, but rather through the platform you've used to download our game.As payment methods m...